Sarah Sze – Paintings
396 Seiten, 32,6 x 35,9 cm
Sarah Sze – Paintings
Statt 150,00 € 95,00 €
Inkl. MWSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2 bis 6 Werktage (weltweit)
A beautifully produced, comprehensive examination of acclaimed American artist Sarah Sze's painting practice.

Since the late 1990s, Sarah Sze has developed a signature visual language that challenges the static nature of art with a dynamic body of work spanning sculpture, painting, drawing, printmaking, video and installation.

In recent years, Sze has returned to painting, the medium in which she was first trained. Comprising constellations of painted and collaged elements, her expansive abstract landscapes explore a visual world that is constantly evolving, degrading, and generating new ways of seeing.

This book, created in close collaboration with Sze, is the first monograph devoted to her painting practice.


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