A Selection of Fifty Type Specimens
50 Seiten, 11 x 15,8 cm , 380 g.
A Selection of Fifty Type Specimens
From the Collection of Tobias Frere-Jones
Statt 24,95 € 9,95 €
Inkl. MWSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2 bis 6 Werktage (weltweit)
Fifty Type Specimens is a collection of postcards with stunning images of typography, for inspiration, correspondence, or display. Cards feature classic letterforms, pages from specimen books, and crops of gorgeous letters presented in a box with the feel of an old specimen book.

Historic typefaces, selected by renowned designer Tobias Frere-Jones, are organized into four geographic categories by thumb tabs: Germany, France, United States, and the United Kingdom.


Weitere Bücher mit diesen Schlagworten:

Auf die Waage gelegt, auf die Schippe genommen
17,80 € 5,00 €  
45,00 € 12,95 €  
15 Festive Ornaments to fold, fill, and hang
19,99 € 7,95 €  
60,00 €  
The Signs of Barcelona
40,00 € 15,00 €  
8 Patterned Pencils designed by Leah Duncan
11,95 € 5,00 €  
75 Covers, 75 Years
29,99 € 12,95 €  
Island of Diagrams, Maps, and Graphics
35,00 € 15,00 €  
The Art and Design of Monumental Typography
45,00 € 19,95 €  
Stencil Lettering Kit
19,95 € 7,95 €