Jim Dine – Hot Dream
4038 Seiten, 16,5 x 22,7 cm , 13993 g.
Jim Dine – Hot Dream
150,00 €
Inkl. MWSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2 bis 6 Werktage (weltweit)
Jim Dine redefines everything, his life and his (he)art in these 52 books. Trying to realize the depth of his aesthetic and profane reality, the books are also documents of an artistic consciousness, of an intense biography, of personal likes and dislikes, of formal richness and of exploding craftsmanship, of an exceptional imagination. These books invent the context for a new melody for the art of Jim Dine, for all the major byways of this seemingly inexhaustible creativity, which combines dream and reality — it is a composition for all the people who would like to sing a new song, maybe their own song. Dine has reflected authentically on his own identity and through it the identity of reality, nature, art, thoughts, feelings in an extraordinary poetic way: we see a POEM, we read an IMAGE. They are books one may read and regard as a summary of an unusual life.


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