Anna Malagrida
228 Seiten, 31,3 x 24,8 cm , 1480 g.
Anna Malagrida
(English edition)
Statt 45,00 € 15,00 €
Inkl. MWSt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 2 bis 6 Werktage (weltweit)
Anna Malagrida was born in Barcelona in 1970. After studying Information Science, she specialised in photography at the Aecole Nationale Superieure de la Photographie d'Arles.

This retrospective of Spanish photographer Anna Malagrida showcased one of the most interesting professional careers in Spanish contemporary art. Since 1998 she has put on numerous exhibitions and won various prizes and awards, such as the Rencontres Internationales award for photography in Arles in 2005. Her work also forms part of some important national and international private and public collections. In 2016 she was awarded the Carte Blanche award by the PMU and the Centre Pompidou.

Este catálogo de la exposición organizada por la Fundación Mapfre constituye una publicación de referencia sobre la fotógrafa Anna Malagrida.

Como demuestra este catálogo, la fotografía de Malagrida no deja indiferente a nadie. Detrás de lo obvio, de lo que documenta cada fotografía, se intuye lo que no está: nos invita a reflexionar sobre lo que hay detrás de ese escaparate, de esa vida velada y, trascendiendo de la imagen en sí, sobre lo que representa.
VerlagFundación Mapfre
Beiträge vonIsabel Tejeda, Marti Peran, Rachida Triki
Museum / OrtFundación Mapfre
Artikel IDart-17115


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